Monday, January 30, 2006

Still no baby. I did go to L&D on Saturday night, but they sent me home. It was just my irritable uterus acting up and they weren't real contractions. They did check me though and I'm now dilated to 3!! One more cm to go and they will keep me in the hospital and break my water and get things started. Yikes. It could be today, it could be 5 weeks from now. We just have to sit and wait.

The baby has dropped though and it's making my pelvic separation 1000 times worse. I can't wait for this pain to be gone. My hips haven't been too bad lately. I don't know if it's because I'm resting more or if I'm just getting used to the pain. At any rate, I haven't had to take meds before I go to sleep in the past 3 days. It's a record...

We found out yesterday that our new neighbor used to be a midwife in her old country. I think she's from Cambodia. That's good to know in the case of an emergency. We're talking a "the baby is coming right now" type emergency though. I know a midwife in Cambodia is totally different than a midwife in the US, but she would still know more than I would when it comes to delivering a baby, ya know.

In other news...

Austin was selected to be in Junior Great Books this year. He was one of 3 people picked from his class. It starts today and he's really excited about it. I think it will be good for him. He has to read books and then they meet after school twice a week to discuss the books. It's supposed to be for kids who need the extra challenge and will improve his reading and comprehension skills along with improving his vocabulary. I'm very proud of him!

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